Archiv für Februar 2015

Geschlechter und Zünfte, prinçipales und común. Städtische Konflikte in Kastilien und dem spätmittelalterlichen Reich

Zeitschrift für Historische Forschung, Volume 41, Issue 3, Page 561-618, 2014.


Zeitschrift für Historische Forschung, Volume 41, Issue 3, Page 687-746, 2014.

Le héros de toutes les saisons. Herrscherlob und politische Reflexionen in Madeleine de Scudérys Roman „La Promenade de Versailles“ (1669)

Zeitschrift für Historische Forschung, Volume 41, Issue 3, Page 619-686, 2014.

Digital Historians in Italy: considerations and experiences

Claudia Favero
This study concerns the experiences of Italian digital historians and their implications for historical scholarship. The present and future of the profession of historian, in academia and outside it, are inextricably linked to the digital revolution that is pervading society. This research brings to light some of the issues this connection between history and the digital has created in the Italian higher education environment and also the opportunities for resolving them, from the point of view of the minority of scholars who have worked and are working to develop this connection. Through grounded theory methodology and a set of in depth semi-structured interviews, the digital historians’ considerations, evaluations and strategies emerge and are organised and analysed in a conceptual framework that highlights focal points and critical junctures in the fields of research, education and professional development. The interviewees paint the picture of a passionate commitment to experimentation and innovation, set against a much bleaker background of complex institutional and professional relations that are not often conducive to productive, sustainable and well integrated digital historical scholarship.

Searching for the homosexual personality. Sciences of the psyche and self-construction (1950-1980)

Jean-Christope Coffin
My paper deals with the research on homosexuality in France between the late Fifties and the beginning of the Seventies. My aim is to cross. The purposes of this paper are to study the reception of this scientific production from the point of view of a man (D. Guérin) who advocated for a greater tolerance toward homosexuality and to cross narratives of sexual practices and psycho-sexual studies produced by psychiatrists and psychoanalysts. My article is mainly based on the writings of D. Guérin, an outstanding intellectual and political figure of the French Left. He wished to contribute to the knowledge on sexualities based on personal experiences and to build a critical reception of the scientific study of sexuality. He integrated some elements of the scientific knowledge but he sketched a new figure of the homosexual personality when the debate over homosexuality became more and more a difficult issue within the medico-psychological profession.

Italian communist brotherhoods in France during the 1930s: from internationalism to regionalism?

Pietro PinnaDuring the 1930s, Italian communists founded various regional organizations in France with the aim of winning the masses of immigrants in the country, taking them away from the control of the fascist consulates. Regionalism represented an e…

The experiments at Kingsley Hall and Villa 21 in London. Myth, Memory and History

John Foot
This article will look at the Villa 21 and Kingsley Hall ‘experiment’ in London carried out in the 1960s by a group of radical psychiatrists and others including R.D. Laing, David Cooper and others. The article will examine historical approaches to ‘Villa 21’ and Kingsley Hall, myths connected to these experiments, the reality of what happened there and their legacy and influence. It will also look at the way that Franco Basaglia and others reacted to Villa 21 and Kingsley Hall and the debates over alternatives to the asylum in relation to existing public institutions and alternative places of care. The article will also draw an extended compari son between the Kingsley Hall experiment and the role played by Gorizia in the 1960s, under the leadership of Franco Basaglia.

Eye witness.The photographic image and the abolition of mental asylums in Italy

Maddalena Carli
In my article I will survey and analyse the photographs taken in psychiatric hospitals in the period of the passing of law n° 180 (13 May 1978). It is well known that many photographers – not only Italian – decided to photograph psychiatric hospitals saying that with their work they wanted to contribute to the fight for their closure. On entering the gates of the institutions, before meeting the subjects to portray, they met the directors (Franco Basaglia himself or his close assistants), and agreed on times, limits and the purpose of their coming to the asylum, as well as on their contact with the staff, the patients and their families. How did Carla Cerati, Gianni Berengo Gardin, Gian Butturini, Raymond Depardon, Uliano Lucas, Luciano D’Alessandro, just to mention some of the professional photographers involved, relate to mental illness and the mentally ill? What kind of images were produced in the name of a documentary style whose claims to realism have been debated ever since the time of Roosevelt’s Farm Security Administration? To what extent did these images manage to get over a boundary wall which was – as more recent historiography has shown – certainly not impervious to social interactions and practices but absolutely impenetrable to the gaze and the perception of the human eye?

A history of silences. Chronic female patients in a psychiatric hospital in the province of Buenos Aires (1908-1949)

Aìda Alejandra Golcman
This article talks about a group of chronic patients at Esteves Hospital of Lomas de Zamora, in the province of Buenos Aires between 1908 and 1949. We chose this particular group of women because, regardless of their personal characteristics and their different backgrounds, they were all diagnosed with a mental illness and lived in a neuropsychiatric hospital until they died. The time period selected is from the opening of the institution, until the advent of psychotropic drugs, that made the everyday life in the hospital to change. We are interested in different variables: chronicity, coexistence with other patients, the impact of language in this coexistence and in their diagnoses. The medical records of these patients are stories of silences that allow us only to make a collage with pieces of broken stories. Singularities and subjectivities disappeared when entering Esteves and they became a „diagnosis stamp“ in a medical file, or a group of symptoms without a nosological identity.

Politics and Media.The audiovisual representation of family made by the Pci and the Dc during the fifties

Elisabetta Girotto
The audiovisual production by Dc and Pci during the fifties had a clear pedagogical intention. Political information, culture and propaganda reveal social models and cultural stereotypes, with the aim to create a citizen’s prototype depending on party’s ideology. The deconstruction of the narrative codes shows the strong aim of the two organizations to control and embank the fast evolution of the civil society. In this perspective, the public use of the family is a perfect object for this ideological campaign; the mixture of emotions and feelings in the everyday life, in the society and inside the institutions refers to the relationship between public and private spheres, that is a deep mark during this tense decade.