Archiv für Februar 2015

Childhood and Child Labour in Industrial England: Diversity and Agency, 1750–1914

Volume 40, Issue 1, February 2015, pages 141-142<br/>10.1080/03071022.2014.984398<br/>Emma Griffin

Jews and the Military. A History

Volume 40, Issue 1, February 2015, pages 129-130<br/>10.1080/03071022.2014.984396<br/>Alix Green

The Making of the Modern Refugee

Volume 40, Issue 1, February 2015, pages 137-139<br/>10.1080/03071022.2014.984393<br/>Greg Burgess

The Scottish Enlightenment: Race, Gender, and the Limits of Progress

Volume 40, Issue 1, February 2015, pages 140-141<br/>10.1080/03071022.2014.984392<br/>Linda Andersson Burnett

Recreating First Contact: Expeditions, Anthropology, and Popular Culture

Volume 40, Issue 1, February 2015, pages 121-123<br/>10.1080/03071022.2014.991145<br/>Paul Henley

Status, gender and life cycle in the consumption practices of the English elite. The case of Mary Leigh, 1736–1806

Volume 40, Issue 1, February 2015, pages 82-103<br/>10.1080/03071022.2014.984963<br/>Jon Stobart

History and Causality

Volume 40, Issue 1, February 2015, pages 104-105<br/>10.1080/03071022.2014.984411<br/>S.H. Rigby

The State of Freedom: A Social History of the British State since 1800

Volume 40, Issue 1, February 2015, pages 111-113<br/>10.1080/03071022.2014.991144<br/>Elizabeth Bruton

Las Damas del liberalismo respetable: los imaginarios sociales del feminismo liberal en España, 1834–1850

Volume 40, Issue 1, February 2015, pages 113-115<br/>10.1080/03071022.2014.984410<br/>Pamela Radcliff


Volume 40, Issue 1, February 2015, pages 1-4<br/>10.1080/03071022.2014.992688<br/>Louise Jackson