Archiv für Februar 2015

European Elections in Germany: Legitimacy for the European Union?

Volume 24, Issue 1, March 2015, pages 99-118<br/>10.1080/09644008.2015.1009044<br/>Michèle Knodt

The City from Afar: Urbanization and the Aerial View in Alvin Coburn’s The Octopus

This essay focuses on Alvin Coburn’s The Octopus, a photograph of Madison Square taken from atop the Met Life Tower in 1912. Working against the conventional interpretation of the image as a study in form, it approaches the work in relation to a…

The Creative Class, Urban Boosters, and Race: Shaping Urban Revitalization in Kansas City, Missouri

Cities such as Kansas City, Missouri, have struggled to reinvent themselves and to attract new residents in order to revitalize their urban centers in the wake of over sixty years of urban sprawl and population contraction. City leaders since the earl…

Decline and Renaissance: Photographing Detroit in the 1940s and 1980s

From images of major transport infrastructures and housing blocks, to drug rehabilitation centers, vacant lots, and abandoned industrial warehouses, the City of Detroit has been one of the most photographed of all cities since the 1940s. Although much…

Getting Out of a Spot: Deployed Technologies and Revamped Codes for a Thriving Twenty-First-Century City

With the rise of the automobile and the easy access to suburbia, there was a shift in American cities from accommodating and welcoming density to accommodating cars. With cities hollowed out, but able to accept thousands of parkers, a vibrant, multifa…

Limitations of the Temporary: Landscape and Abandonment

Vacant land invites occupation, both by ruderal vegetation and spontaneous human intervention. This active engagement—taking the form of art installations, cultivated plots, or domestic appropriations—is often unplanned and temporary. Capa…

New Bedford Resurgent: A New England Town-Gown Story

This essay analyzes the influence higher education has had on the „creative economy“ of New Bedford, Massachusetts, once one of the leading textile centers in the United States. In my analysis, I assess how New Bedford’s cultural and historical …

Introduction: Reinventing the American Postindustrial City

This article summarizes the goal of this special issue of the Journal of Urban History (JUH). Offering a variety of perspectives—ranging from the role of impromptu artists to that of immigrants and small, independent communities of activists&mda…

Theaster Gates’s Dorchester Projects in Chicago

In the projects of the artist Theaster Gates, social change and transformation is strongly tied to an actual rebuilding and reactivation of vacant architectures across the South Side of Chicago. Opposed to Richard Florida’s analysis of the artis…

Debris of What-Would-Have-Been: A Photo-Essay Concerning Deindustrialization in Hyper-capitalist and Post-socialist Cities

In dialogues among eight pairs of photographs, this piece aims to tell a distinct story about modernity’s industrial remains. These dialogues embody the workers’ dream of mass utopia that has come and gone. Images depicting Massachusetts&r…