Archiv für Juni 2015

Rebecca Rogers, A Frenchwoman’s Imperial Story: Madame Luce in Nineteenth-Century Algeria


The Transnational Formation of Imperial Rule on the Margins of Europe:1 British Cyprus and the Italian Dodecanese in the Interwar Period

This article records and offers to interpret a parallel hardening of British and Italian colonial governances in the Eastern Mediterranean in the interwar period. It focuses on the cases of the Dodecanese, an Italian ‘Posse…

Christopher H. Johnson, David Warren Sabean, Simon Teuscher and Francesca Trivellato, eds, Transregional and Transnational Families in Europe and Beyond; Christopher H. Johnson, Bernhard Jussen, David Warren Sabean and Simon Teuscher, eds, Blood & Kinship: Matter for Metaphor from Ancient Rome to the Present


Missionary Children: The French Holy Childhood Association in European Context, 1843-c.1914

In the mid-nineteenth century, thousands of children in Europe and beyond were organized into battalions of fundraisers for overseas missions. By the end of the century these juvenile missionary organizations had become a global movement, generating millions of pounds in revenue each year. While the transnational nature of the children’s missions and publications has been well documented by historians, the focus has tended to be on the connections that were established by encounters between the young western donors, missionaries overseas and the non-western ‘other’ constructed by their work. A full exploration of the European political, social and cultural concerns that produced the juvenile missionaries movement and the trans-European networks that sustained it are currently missing from historical accounts of the phenomenon. This article looks at the largest of these organizations, the Catholic mission for children, the French Holy Childhood Association (L’Œuvre de la sainte enfance), to understand how the principles this mission sought to impose abroad were above all an expression of anxieties at home about the role of religion in the family, childhood and in civil society as western polities were modernizing and secularizing in the nineteenth century.

Craig Martin, Subverting Aristotle: Religion, History, and Philosophy in Early Modern Science


Focusing on presentation instead of representation: perspectives on representational and non-representational language-games for educational history and theory

10.1080/00309230.2015.1058829<br/>Lynn Fendler

Post-treaty politics: secretariat influence in global environmental governance

10.1080/09557571.2015.1058064<br/>Owen Temby

Gillray and the French Revolution

10.1080/14608944.2015.1047333<br/>Sophie Loussouarn

The Ambiguity of Virtue: Gertrude van Tijn and the Fate of the Dutch Jews, by Bernard Wasserstein


Modern Dublin: Urban Change and the Irish Past, 1957-1973, by Erika Hanna
