Archiv für Juni 2015

Review: Rebecka Lettevall; Geert Somsen; Sven Widmalm, eds. Neutrality in Twentieth-Century Europe: Intersections of Science, Culture, and Politics after the First World War.

Review by: Matthias Heymann

Isis, Volume 106, Issue 2, Page 483-485, June 2015.

Review: Tony Hadland; Hans-Erhard Lessing. Bicycle Design: An Illustrated History.

Review by: Manuel Stoffers

Isis, Volume 106, Issue 2, Page 480-481, June 2015.

Review: Wilfried Sieg. Hilbert’s Programs and Beyond.William Ewald; Wilfried Sieg, eds. David Hilbert’s Lectures on the Foundations of Arithmetic and Logic, 1917–1933.

Review by: Tom Archibald

Isis, Volume 106, Issue 2, Page 481-483, June 2015.

Review: John Gascoigne. Encountering the Pacific in the Age of the Enlightenment.

Review by: Coll Thrush

Isis, Volume 106, Issue 2, Page 454-455, June 2015.

Review: Margaret C. Jacob. The First Knowledge Economy: Human Capital and the European Economy, 1750–1850.

Review by: Lissa Roberts

Isis, Volume 106, Issue 2, Page 456-457, June 2015.

Review: Sue Ann Prince, ed. Of Elephants and Roses: French Natural History, 1790–1830.

Review by: Alexandra Cook

Isis, Volume 106, Issue 2, Page 457-458, June 2015.

Review: David Lambert. Mastering the Niger: James MacQueen’s African Geography and the Struggle over Atlantic Slavery.

Review by: Simon Naylor

Isis, Volume 106, Issue 2, Page 458-459, June 2015.

Review: Helen Zoe Veit. Modern Food, Moral Food: Self-Control, Science, and the Rise of Modern American Eating in the Early Twentieth Century.

Review by: David Smith

Isis, Volume 106, Issue 2, Page 486-487, June 2015.

Review: Lynne Fallwell. Modern German Midwifery, 1885–1960.

Review by: Martina Schlünder

Isis, Volume 106, Issue 2, Page 472-474, June 2015.

Review: Paul Eli Ivey. Radiance from Halcyon: A Utopian Experiment in Religion and Science.

Review by: Rennie B. Schoepflin

Isis, Volume 106, Issue 2, Page 477-478, June 2015.