Archiv für Juni 2015

Political theology, orthodoxy and parliamentary sermons in Sweden, 1789–1866

10.1080/02606755.2015.1049809<br/>Jakob Evertsson

Quién fue quién en la Transición en Castilla-La Mancha (1977–1982) [Who Was Who in the Spanish (Castilla-La Mancha) Transition (1977–1982)]

10.1080/02606755.2015.1058614<br/>Joseba Agirreazkuenaga

Ethnic struggle, coexistence, and democratization in Eastern Europe

Volume 43, Issue 4, July 2015, pages 637-640<br/>10.1080/00905992.2015.1042276<br/>Zsuzsa Csergő

Ethnic struggle, coexistence, and democratization in Eastern Europe

Volume 43, Issue 4, July 2015, pages 646-651<br/>10.1080/00905992.2015.1042287<br/>Sherrill Stroschein

Ethnic struggle, coexistence, and democratization in Eastern Europe

Volume 43, Issue 4, July 2015, pages 634-636<br/>10.1080/00905992.2015.1038781<br/>Mark R. Beissinger

Ethnic struggle, coexistence, and democratization in Eastern Europe

Volume 43, Issue 4, July 2015, pages 643-645<br/>10.1080/00905992.2015.1042285<br/>Myra Waterbury

Ethnic struggle, coexistence, and democratization in Eastern Europe

Volume 43, Issue 4, July 2015, pages 640-643<br/>10.1080/00905992.2015.1042284<br/>Elise Giuliano

From “frozen conflict” to enduring rivalry: reassessing the Nagorny Karabakh conflict

Volume 43, Issue 4, July 2015, pages 556-576<br/>10.1080/00905992.2015.1042852<br/>Laurence Broers

“A Hook Fast in His Heart”: Emotion and “True Christian Knowledge” in Disputes over Conversion between Lutheran and Moravian Missionaries in Early Colonial Greenland

This article explores the role of emotion in Christian conversion for Lutheran and Moravian missionaries to early colonial Greenland. As self-appointed agents of emotional change, both Lutherans and Moravians attempted to transform the emotional world…

Einheit in der Spaltung: Die Linke nach Gysi

Der 7. Juni 2015 bedeutet eine gewaltige Zäsur für die Linkspartei, größer noch als jene, die der Abgang Oskar Lafontaines darstellte. Mit dem Rückzug Gregor Gysis hat …