Archiv für Juni 2015

Crooked Paths to Allotment: The Fight over Federal Indian Policy after the Civil War . By C. Joseph Genetin-Pilawa. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 2012. Pp. xv, 228. $27.95, paper.

Book Reviews Matthew T. Gregg, The Journal of Economic History, Volume 75 Issue 02, pp 601-602Abstract

The History of Bankruptcy: Economic, Social and Cultural Implications in Early Modern Europe . Edited by Thomas Max Safley. London and New York: Routledge, 2013. Pp. 257. $92.05, hardcover.

Book Reviews Bruce G. Carruthers, The Journal of Economic History, Volume 75 Issue 02, pp 597-599Abstract

Contraband. Louis Mandrin and the Making of a Global Underground . By Michael Kwass. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2014. Pp. 472. $49.95, hardcover.

Book Reviews T.J.A. Le Goff, The Journal of Economic History, Volume 75 Issue 02, pp 595-597Abstract

Lending to the Borrower from Hell: Debt, Taxes, and Default in the Age of Philip II . By Mauricio Drelichman and Hans-Joachim Voth. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2014. Pp. 328. $35.00, hardcover.

Book Reviews
Ricardo Hernández Garcia,
The Journal of Economic History, Volume 75 Issue 02, pp 594-595


The Journal of Economic History


American Big Business in Britain and Germany: A Comparative History of Two “Special Relationships” in the 20th Century . By Volker R. Berghahn. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2014. Pp. ix, 375. $49.50, cloth.

Book Reviews Richard Tilly, The Journal of Economic History, Volume 75 Issue 02, pp 592-594Abstract

The Power of Market Fundamentalism. Karl Polanyi’s Critique . By Fred Block and Margaret R. Somers. Cambridge, MA and London, England: Harvard University Press, 2014. Pp. 312. $49.95, hardcover.

Book Reviews George W. Grantham, The Journal of Economic History, Volume 75 Issue 02, pp 587-588Abstract

War, Agriculture, and Food. Rural Europe from the 1930s to the 1950s . Edited by Paul Brassley, Yves Segers, and Leen Van Molle. New York and London: Routledge, 2012. Pp. xvii, 268, hardcover.

Book Reviews Ingrid Henriksen, The Journal of Economic History, Volume 75 Issue 02, pp 590-592Abstract

Liberty’s Dawn: A People’s History of the Industrial Revolution . By Emma Griffin. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press, 2013. Pp. 320. S35.00, hardcover.

Book Reviews Joyce Burnette, The Journal of Economic History, Volume 75 Issue 02, pp 589-590Abstract

The History Manifesto . By Jo Guldi and David Armitage. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014. Pp. x, 165. $45.00, hardcover; $19.99, paper.

Book Reviews Mark Koyama, The Journal of Economic History, Volume 75 Issue 02, pp 584-587Abstract

Editors’ Notes

Editorial The Journal of Economic History, Volume 75 Issue 02, pp 579-583Abstract