Archiv für Juni 2015

Review: Steven E. Harris, Communism on Tomorrow Street: Mass Housing and Everyday Life after Stalin

Review by: Denis Kozlov

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 87, Issue 2, Page 500-502, June 2015.

Review: Polly Jones, Myth, Memory, Trauma: Rethinking the Stalinist Past in the Soviet Union, 1953–1970

Review by: Philip Boobbyer

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 87, Issue 2, Page 506-507, June 2015.

Review: Gerhard A. Ritter, Hans-Dietrich Genscher, das Auswärtige Amt, und die deutsche Vereinigung

Review by: Pertti Ahonen

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 87, Issue 2, Page 497-498, June 2015.

Review: Denis Kozlov, The Readers of Novyi Mir: Coming to Terms with the Stalinist Past

Review by: Stephen V. Bittner

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 87, Issue 2, Page 502-504, June 2015.

Population Registration, Social Planning, and the Discourse on Privacy Protection in West Germany

Larry Frohman

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 87, Issue 2, Page 316-356, June 2015.

Review: Javier Moreno-Luzón, Modernizing the Nation: Spain during the Reign of Alfonso XIII, 1902–1931

Review by: Carolyn P. Boyd

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 87, Issue 2, Page 474-475, June 2015.

Review: Michael Alpert, The Republican Army in the Spanish Civil War, 1936–1939

Review by: George Esenwein

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 87, Issue 2, Page 475-477, June 2015.

Review: David Frick, Kith, Kin, and Neighbors: Communities and Confessions in Seventeenth-Century Wilno

Review by: Adam Teller

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 87, Issue 2, Page 477-479, June 2015.

Review: Tim Carter and Richard A. Goldthwaite, Orpheus in the Marketplace: Jacopo Peri and the Economy of Late Renaissance Florence

Review by: William J. Connell

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 87, Issue 2, Page 463-465, June 2015.

Review: Gregor Joseph Kranjc, To Walk with the Devil: Slovene Collaboration and Axis Occupation, 1941–1945

Review by: Mark Biondich

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 87, Issue 2, Page 499-500, June 2015.