Archiv für Juli 2015

Modern Greece’s first industry? The shipbuilding center of sailing merchant marine of Syros, 1830-70

Wooden shipbuilding represented a very important economic activity in Greece during the nineteenth century, and it was strictly related to the growth of the Greek-owned merchant marine. Particularly in Hermoupolis of Syros, a major commercial and ship…

Labor, wages, and living standards in Java, 1680-1914

The development of living standards in Java has long been a subject of scholarly interest. A number of scholars have suggested that between 1600 and 1900 Southeast Asian living standards declined significantly. The present article contributes to these…

Did the Great Deflation of 1929-33 really have to happen? A reconsideration of the inevitability of the Great Deflation view

The article challenges the hypothesis that the Great Deflation was an inevitable outcome of the resumption of gold convertibility at prewar parities. The alternative that the relative prices of gold tended to gravitate one to another is derived from t…

Institutions versus demand: determinants of agricultural development in Saxony, 1660-1850

The study produces new data on the long-term development of vegetable foodstuff output and average labor productivity in Saxon agriculture c. 1660–1850. This territory saw an early development of a large, but spatially dispersed industrial secto…

Il Mulino | 3/2015


Merkur | 7/2015


Esprit | 7/2015


David A. Pietz: The Yellow River: The Problem of Water in Modern China

Journal Name: New Global StudiesVolume: 9Issue: 2Pages: 201-204

Host | 6/2015


Springerin | 3/2015

Fluchtpunkt Ethnografie