Archiv für Juli 2015

Contesting the Postwar City: Working-Class and Growth Politics in 1940s Milwaukee

Volume 40, Issue 3, August 2015, pages 411-413<br/>10.1080/03071022.2015.1044225<br/>Joe William Trotter

The household inventory as urban ‘theatre’ in late medieval Burgundy

Volume 40, Issue 3, August 2015, pages 335-359<br/>10.1080/03071022.2015.1043179<br/>Katherine Anne Wilson

Past Scents: Historical Perspectives on Smell

Volume 40, Issue 3, August 2015, pages 385-387<br/>10.1080/03071022.2015.1044209<br/>Simeon Koole

‘Work for others but none for us’: the economic and environmental inequalities of New Deal relief

Volume 40, Issue 3, August 2015, pages 312-334<br/>10.1080/03071022.2015.1043188<br/>Neil M. Maher

Before the Windrush: Race Relations in 20th-century Liverpool

Volume 40, Issue 3, August 2015, pages 413-415<br/>10.1080/03071022.2015.1044232<br/>Nicole Longpré

Mass Dictatorship and Memory as Ever Present Past

Volume 40, Issue 3, August 2015, pages 417-419<br/>10.1080/03071022.2015.1044235<br/>Sara Jones

Holocaust Legacy in Post-Soviet Lithuania: People, Places and Objects

Volume 40, Issue 3, August 2015, pages 415-417<br/>10.1080/03071022.2015.1044234<br/>Antony Polonsky

Sanctioning Modernism: Architecture and the Making of Postwar Identities

Volume 40, Issue 3, August 2015, pages 422-423<br/>10.1080/03071022.2015.1044237<br/>Elaine Brown Stiles

Fraternally yours: the union architecture of Oskar Stonorov and Walter Reuther

Volume 40, Issue 3, August 2015, pages 360-384<br/>10.1080/03071022.2015.1043189<br/>Susan Herrington

The Vision of a Nation: Making Multiculturalism on British Television, 1960–80

Volume 40, Issue 3, August 2015, pages 419-421<br/>10.1080/03071022.2015.1044236<br/>Christine Verguson