Archiv für Juli 2015

Belonging in Africa: Frederik Svane and Christian Protten on the Gold Coast in the Eighteenth Century

Research Articles Gunvor Simonsen, Itinerario, Volume 39 Issue 01, pp 91-115Abstract

Consuls-of-State and the Redemption of Slaves: The Dutch Republic and the Western Mediterranean, 1616–1651

Research Articles Erica Heinsen-Roach, Itinerario, Volume 39 Issue 01, pp 69-90Abstract

Arguing with the Heathens: The Further Reformation and the Ethnohistory of Johannes Hoornbeeck (1617–1666)

Research Articles Jos Gommans, Ineke Loots, Itinerario, Volume 39 Issue 01, pp 45-68Abstract

Exotic origins: the emblematic biogeographies of early modern scaly mammals

Research Articles Natalie Lawrence, Itinerario, Volume 39 Issue 01, pp 17-43Abstract

“Being speculative is better than to not do it at all”: an interview with Natalie Zemon Davis

Introduction Jessica Roitman, Karwan Fatah-Black, Itinerario, Volume 39 Issue 01, pp 3-15Abstract

Letter from the Editors

Editorial Itinerario, Volume 39 Issue 01, pp 1-2Abstract

Intellectum | 11 (2015)


Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik | 7/2015


50 | 2015 – Sociétés et forces de sécurité au XIXe siècle

Sociétés et forces de sécurité au XIXe siècle

Partnerships for effective multilateralism? Assessing the compatibility between EU bilateralism, (inter-)regionalism and multilateralism

10.1080/09557571.2015.1060691<br/>Thomas Renard