Archiv für Juli 2015

Competing Archives, Competing Histories: French and Its Cultural Locations in Late-Medieval England

Research Articles Christopher Cannon, Speculum, Volume 90 Issue 03, pp 641-653Abstract

Competing Archives, Competing Histories: French and Its Cultural Locations in Late-Medieval England

Research Articles Christopher Baswell, Speculum, Volume 90 Issue 03, pp 635-641Abstract

Etiam reges , Even Kings

Research Articles William Chester Jordan, Speculum, Volume 90 Issue 03, pp 613-634Abstract

“Just So You Know; I’m Absolutely Completely Normal!”—An Empirical Investigation of Firstness

10.1080/08038740.2015.1045939<br/>Lovise Haj Brade

Introduction: politicizing the transnational

Volume 56, Issue 3, July 2015, pages 237-245<br/>10.1080/0023656X.2015.1042756<br/>Roland Erne

Chinese migrants and Africa’s development: new imperialists or agents of change?

Volume 56, Issue 3, July 2015, pages 376-378<br/>10.1080/0023656X.2015.1042787<br/>Ali Zafar

Between Austria and Prussia: clients and Partheyen at the permanent imperial diet, 1745–63

10.1080/02606755.2015.1056477<br/>Michael Rohrschneider

Glänta | 1/2015


Mittelweg 36 | 3/2015

Replay. Mediengeschichten des Kriegsfilms [Replay. Media (hi)stories of war movies]

Children, education and politics in everyday life: children, education and politics at a time of conflict – the Spanish Civil War (1936–1939)

Volume 51, Issue 4, August 2015, pages 395-404<br/>10.1080/00309230.2015.1047385<br/>Eulàlia Collelldemont