Archiv für August 2015

Spartakus: The Symbology of Revolt


‚Auslandsdeutschtum‘ in Brazil (1919-1941): Global Discourses and Local Histories

German emigrants became the focus of attention for German proponents of colonialism in the nineteenth century. German emigrants in southern Brazil especially were supposed to stimulate German trade as well as secure German prestige and influence. Afte…

Erfahrungsbruch und Generationsbehauptung: Die ‚Kriegsjugendgeneration‘ in den beiden deutschen Nachkriegsgesellschaften


Die ‚Dirne‘, der Burger und der Staat: Private Erziehungsheime fur junge Frauen und die Anfange des Sozialstaates in der Deutschschweiz, 1870er bis 1930er Jahre


Wissensproduktion im Staat: Das koniglich preussische statistische Bureau 1860-1914


The Ambivalence of Slavery, The Certainty of Germanness: Representations of Slave-Holding and Its Impact Among German Settlers in Brazil, 1820-1889

While there is a growing interest regarding Brazil’s connection to the development of German nationalism, the topic of how Germans in Europe and Brazil related to slavery there remains mainly unexplored. This is startling, considering that Brazi…

Hermann von Ihering: Shifting Realities of a German-Brazilian Scientist from the Late Empire to World War I

This essay uses the biography of Hermann von Ihering, a prominent German-Brazilian and natural scientist, to underscore the vulnerability of many such transnational scholars during a transitional age: 1880 to 1920. The essay demonstrates that connecti…

Historiographies in Dialogue: Beyond the Categories of Germans and Brazilians

This essay underscores the many benefits that scholars can glean by bringing the histories and historiographies of Brazil and Germany into dialogue. It argues that such dialogues can help to decentre the nation state in our narratives of German histor…

The wages of oil: parliaments and economic development in Kuwait and the UAE

10.1080/09557571.2015.1076632<br/>Russell E. Lucas

