Archiv für September 2015

The architecture of the illusive distance

10.1080/09557571.2015.1087706<br/>David Bertolini

Multitudes | 60 (2015)


Fronesis | 50-51 (2015)


A2 | 19 (2015)

Drogy [Drugs]

Index on Censorship | 3/2015

Spies, secrets and lies

Volume 45 Index


Cutting, Sticking, and Material Meaning in a Book of Passion Cycle Engravings

This essay focuses on an engraved Passion cycle originally designed by Marten de Vos in the 1580s. What makes this particular example exceptional is that parts of the black-and-white engravings have been painstakingly removed and the gaps filled with …

New Books across the Disciplines


Needles and Pens: Sewing in Early English Books

This essay explores the long genealogy of sewing in books from the stab-stitched quartos and octavos in early modern bookshops to the sewn-in corrections, repairs, and embellishments of manuscript pages in the Middle Ages. Broadening the default chron…

Collage, Architectural Inscription, and the Aesthetics of Iconoclasm in Jacques Perret’s Des fortifications et artifices (1601)

Taking the case of a late Renaissance treatise on Huguenot architecture, this essay explores the potentials of collage as an expression of confessional contestation in the wake of the French Wars of Religion. The book’s hybrid imagery bears a formal l…