Archiv für September 2015

Isabella Whitney’s Slips: Textile Labor, Gendered Authorship, and the Early Modern Miscellany

As early efforts to include women in the canon of Renaissance literature give way to gender-oriented research in material culture and book history, it is increasingly the scholar’s task to marry the language of ideological negotiation to a more wide-r…

The Renaissance Collage: Signcutting and Signsewing

The essays gathered in this special issue of JMEMS describe processes of cutting, dismantling, and reassembling printed books in the early modern period. This focus on „collage“ techniques in bookmaking should displace the commonsense understanding of…

Cutting and Pasting Slips: Early Modern Compilation and Information Management

Cutting up paper slips with pieces of information written on them, sorting them into alphabetical order or some other precise order, and pasting them into books was an important information management strategy in early modern Europe. It does not seem …

Little Clippings: Cutting and Pasting Bibles in the 1630s

This article explores the production of Gospel harmonies at Little Gidding in the 1630s. By drawing on rarely examined archival letters, documents, and drafts contained in the Ferrar Papers at Magdalene College, Cambridge, the article examines the pro…

The Department of Hybrid Books: Thomas Milles between Manuscript and Print

It is now a commonplace that texts were malleable in early modern England regardless of their manuscript or print origins; but the publications of Thomas Milles strain these categories—and the vocabularies used to describe them—to the brea…

Call for Submissions


„Pricking in Virgil“: Early Modern Prophetic Phronesis and the Sortes Virgilianae

This essay explores the early modern reemergence of the sortes Virgilianae, a practice that involves opening a bound copy of Virgil (often with a pin) and finding prophecy in the verse upon which the seeker lands. Examining the accounts of the sortes …


Ce numéro de Tracés est le deuxième de la série Traduire et introduire, initiée en 2014, qui se donne pour objectif de faire connaître des travaux et des champs de réflexion qui nous semblent avoir fait l’objet d’une réception partielle ou insuffisante dans l’espace scientifique français. Comme le volume précédent, ce numéro est construit autour de la traduction de textes de chercheurs étrangers, sélectionnés par la revue pour leur caractère emblématique de ces réceptions manquées. Chacun des deux dossiers qui suivent accompagne ces traductions d’un ensemble d’articles originaux qui les contextualisent et en explicitent les enjeux. C’est ainsi l’occasion non seulement de porter un éclairage sur les questions soulevées par ces textes et les traditions intellectuelles dans lesquelles ils s’inscrivent, mais aussi de mener une démarche réflexive sur les passerelles entre ces traditions. En ce sens, il s’agit de contribuer à la mise en relation de travaux et de chercheurs, en offrant tou…

Response by Coldiron to “Translation and the materialities of communication”

10.1080/14781700.2015.1085433<br/>A.E.B. Coldiron

Treacherous Translation: Culture, Nationalism, and Colonialism in Korea and Japan from the 1910s to the 1960s

10.1080/14781700.2015.1060517<br/>Ji-Hae Kang