Archiv für Dezember 2015

(F.) Mavridis and (J.T.) Jensen Eds. Stable Places and Changing Perceptions: Cave Archaeology in Greece (BAR International Series 2558). Oxford: Archaeopress, 2013. Pp. xxi + 333, illus. £51. 9781407311791.

Book Reviews Erica Angliker, The Journal of Hellenic Studies, Volume 135, pp 279-280Abstract

(A.) Greve Sepulkrale Hofarchitekturen im Hellenismus: Alexandria – Nea Paphos – Kyrene (Contextualizing the Sacred 3). Turnhout: Brepols, 2014. Pp. xi + 328, illus. €120. 9782503544090.

Book Reviews Gabriele Koiner, The Journal of Hellenic Studies, Volume 135, pp 278-279Abstract

(D.J.) Blackman and (B.) Rankov with K. Baika, H. Gerding and J. Pakkanen. Shipsheds of the Ancient Mediterranean. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013. Pp. xxii + 597, illus. £110. 9781107001336.

Book Reviews Catherine Bouras, The Journal of Hellenic Studies, Volume 135, pp 277-278Abstract

(M.) Wolf Die Agora von Solunt: öffentliche Gebäude und öffentliche Räume des Hellenismus im griechischen Westen (Sonderschriften des Deutsches Archäologisches Institut Rom 16). Wiesbaden: Dr Ludwig Reichert Verlag, 2013. Pp. 208, illus. €78. 9783895007262.

Book Reviews Oriana Silia Cannistraci, The Journal of Hellenic Studies, Volume 135, pp 276-277Abstract

(I.A.) Papapostolou To (Vivliothēkē tēs En Athēnais Archaiologikēs Hetaireias 291; Archaioi Topoi kai Mouseia tēs Hellados 31). Athens: Hē En Athēnais Archaiologikē Hetaireia, 2014. Pp. 252, illus. €27. 9786185047108.

Book Reviews Anastasia Gadolou, The Journal of Hellenic Studies, Volume 135, pp 275-276Abstract

(D.) Yntema The Archaeology of South-East Italy in the First Millennium BC: Greek and Native Societies of Apulia and Lucania between the 10th and the 1st Century BC (Amsterdam Archaeological Studies 20). Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2013. Pp. viii + 301, illus. €79. 9789089645791.

Book Reviews Edward Herring, The Journal of Hellenic Studies, Volume 135, pp 274-275Abstract

(N.) Coutsinas Défenses crétoises: Fortifications urbaines et défense du territoire en Crète aux époques classique et hellénistique. Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne, 2013. Pp. 541, illus. €35. 9782859447632.

Book Reviews Matthew P. Maher, The Journal of Hellenic Studies, Volume 135, pp 272-274Abstract

(D.) Paleothodoros Ed. The Contexts of Painted Pottery in the Ancient Mediterranean World (Seventh–Fourth Centuries BCE). Oxford: Archaeopress, 2012. Pp. 116, illus. £26. 9781407309514.

Book Reviews Thomas Mannack, The Journal of Hellenic Studies, Volume 135, pp 271-272Abstract

(J. St P.) Walsh Consumerism in the Ancient World: Imports and Identity Construction (Routledge Monographs in Classical Studies 19). New York and London: Routledge, 2014. Pp. 216, illus. $140. 9780415893794.

Book Reviews Mark Lawall, The Journal of Hellenic Studies, Volume 135, pp 270-271Abstract

(M.) Wilson Jones Origins of Classical Architecture: Temples, Orders and Gifts to the Gods in Ancient Greece. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2014. Pp. xvi + 304, illus. £40. 9780300182767.

Book Reviews Felipe Rojas, The Journal of Hellenic Studies, Volume 135, pp 269-270Abstract