Archiv für Januar 2016

Living on the edge: welfare and the urban poor in 1930s Beijing

Volume 41, Issue 1, February 2016, pages 14-33<br/>10.1080/03071022.2015.1108708<br/>Marjorie Dryburgh

Bringing the social back: rethinking the declension narrative of twentieth-century US labour history

Volume 41, Issue 1, February 2016, pages 1-13<br/>10.1080/03071022.2015.1108705<br/>Austin McCoy

Conceptualizing and responding to poverty in the Republic of Ireland in the 1960s: a case study of Dublin

Volume 41, Issue 1, February 2016, pages 34-53<br/>10.1080/03071022.2015.1108711<br/>Carole Holohan

An Eye for an Eye: A Global History of Crime and Punishment

Volume 41, Issue 1, February 2016, pages 117-118<br/>10.1080/03071022.2015.1112975<br/>Randall McGowen

The Oxford Handbook of the French Revolution

Volume 41, Issue 1, February 2016, pages 105-108<br/>10.1080/03071022.2015.1112976<br/>Amy McKnight

Native American Whalemen and the World: indigenous encounters and the contingency of race

Volume 41, Issue 1, February 2016, pages 102-104<br/>10.1080/03071022.2015.1112973<br/>Sean P. Harvey

Population, Welfare and Economic Change in Britain, 1290–1834

Volume 41, Issue 1, February 2016, pages 98-99<br/>10.1080/03071022.2015.1112974<br/>Andrew Hinde

Anti-Social behaviour in Britain: Victorian and Contemporary Perspectives

Volume 41, Issue 1, February 2016, pages 115-116<br/>10.1080/03071022.2015.1112971<br/>Benjamin Franks

The art of solidarity in the middle ages: guilds in England, 1250–1550

Volume 41, Issue 1, February 2016, pages 93-94<br/>10.1080/03071022.2015.1112972<br/>Richard Goddard

At Home and Astray: The Domestic Dog in Victorian Britain

Volume 41, Issue 1, February 2016, pages 120-120<br/>10.1080/03071022.2015.1112977<br/>John Miller