Archiv für März 2016

The world-wide web of humanitarianism: NGOs and population displacement in the third quarter of the twentieth century

10.1080/13507486.2015.1111300<br/>Peter Gatrell

The Great War, the child’s body and the American Red Cross

10.1080/13507486.2015.1121971<br/>Friederike Kind-Kovács

A civilized nation: Japan and the Red Cross 1877–1900

10.1080/13507486.2015.1117427<br/>Frank Käser

Humanitarianisms in context

10.1080/13507486.2015.1117422<br/>Kevin O’Sullivan

Making mass schooling affordable: in-kind taxation and the establishment of an elementary school system in Sweden, 1840–1870

10.1080/00309230.2016.1158725<br/>Johannes Westberg

Books received 2015

Volume 52, Issue 1-2, February – April 2016, pages 219-220<br/>10.1080/00309230.2016.1160519<br/>

Civic education and visions of war and peace in the Spanish transition to democracy

Volume 52, Issue 1-2, February – April 2016, pages 169-187<br/>10.1080/00309230.2015.1133677<br/>Kira Mahamud Angulo

Introduction: education, war and peace

Volume 52, Issue 1-2, February – April 2016, pages 1-7<br/>10.1080/00309230.2015.1133679<br/>Gary McCulloch

A regionalisation or long-distance trade? Transformations and shifts in the role of Tana in the Black Sea trade in the first half of the fifteenth century

10.1080/13507486.2015.1107874<br/>Evgeny Alexandrovitch Khvalkov

Samia Salem, Die öffentliche Wahrnehmung der Gentechnik in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland seit den 1960er Jahren

<span class=“paragraphSection“>SalemSamia , <span style=“font-style:italic;“>Die öffentliche Wahrnehmung der Gentechnik in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland seit den 1960er Jahren</span> , Stuttgart : Franz Steiner , 2013 . Pp. 315 . €58. ISBN 978 3 515 10488 3 . </span>