Archiv für März 2016

Claudia Malacrida, A Special Hell: Institutional Life in Alberta’s Eugenic Years

<span class=“paragraphSection“>MalacridaClaudia , <span style=“font-style:italic;“>A Special Hell: Institutional Life in Alberta’s Eugenic Years</span> , Toronto , University of Toronto Press , 2015 . Pp. 320 . CAN$32.95. ISBN: 978 1 4426 2689 8 . </span>

W. Bruce Fye, Caring for the Heart: the Mayo Clinic and the Rise of Specialization

<span class=“paragraphSection“>FyeW. Bruce , <span style=“font-style:italic;“>Caring for the Heart: the Mayo Clinic and the Rise of Specialization</span> , Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2015 . Pp. 704 . £27.49. ISBN: 978 0 199 98235 6 . </span>

Elena Conis, Vaccine Nation: America’s Changing Relationship with Immunization

<span class=“paragraphSection“>ConisElena , <strong><span style=“font-style:italic;“>Vaccine Nation: America’s Changing Relationship with Immunization</span></strong> , Chicago; London : University of Chicago Press , 2014 . Pp. 353 . $27.50/£19.50. ISBN 978 0 226 92376 5 . </span>

Edward Shorter, Partnership for Excellence: Medicine at the University of Toronto and Academic Hospitals

<span class=“paragraphSection“>ShorterEdward , <strong><span style=“font-style:italic;“>Partnership for Excellence: Medicine at the University of Toronto and Academic Hospitals</span></strong> , Toronto : University of Tor…

The business relations, identities and political resources of Italian merchants in the early-modern Spanish monarchy: some introductory remarks

10.1080/13507486.2015.1117428<br/>Manuel Herrero Sánchez

Coping with Iberian monopolies: Genoese trade networks and formal institutions in Spain and Portugal during the second half of the eighteenth century

10.1080/13507486.2015.1117425<br/>Catia Brilli

Small but powerful: networking strategies and the trade business of Habsburg-Italian merchants in Cadiz in the second half of the eighteenth century

10.1080/13507486.2015.1131246<br/>Klemens Kaps

The making of politics and trained intelligence in the Near East: Robert College of Istanbul

10.1080/13507486.2015.1131249<br/>Ali Erken

From laissez-faire to supranational planning: the economic debate within Federal Union (1938–1945)

10.1080/13507486.2015.1132193<br/>Tommaso Milani

YIVO and the making of modern Jewish culture: scholarship for the Yiddish nation

10.1080/00905992.2016.1154352<br/>Linas Venclauskas