März 30, 2016, 10:57 am, Martin, B., Allgemein.
The 1970s era of detente represented a critical period in cultural exchanges between the United States of America and the Soviet Union. The 1960s set in motion socially liberalizing forces to which Soviet authorities were forced to respond. The Brezhn…
März 30, 2016, 10:57 am, Alvarez Tardio, M., Allgemein.
Quelle: http://jch.sagepub.com/cgi/reprint/51/2/425?rss=1
März 30, 2016, 10:57 am, Nilsson, M., Wyss, M., Allgemein.
This article presents the first comparative study of US policy towards two European neutrals, Sweden and Switzerland, in the late 1940s and early 1950s. During this period, Sweden and Switzerland were integrated into the Western security regime throug…
März 30, 2016, 10:57 am, Beckerman-Boys, C., Allgemein.
British mandated Palestine has attracted scholarly attention for its role in the development of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. Some aspects of the time period, however, remain somewhat overlooked, and one prominent example is the reversal of …
März 30, 2016, 10:57 am, Blumenau, B., Allgemein.
The article looks at the Group of 7 (G7) efforts to fight international terrorism in the 1970s and early 1980s. It examines the G7 statement against hijacking, the Bonn Declaration of 1978, and assesses how the G7 dealt with it after the adoption of t…
März 30, 2016, 10:57 am, Kalinovsky, A. M., Allgemein.
Quelle: http://jch.sagepub.com/cgi/reprint/51/2/442?rss=1
März 30, 2016, 10:57 am, Hughes, M., Allgemein.
This article examines an aspect of British counter-insurgency in Palestine in the 1930s during the Arab revolt there against British colonial rule and Jewish settlement: the pro-British, anti-rebel Palestinian militia ‘peace bands’, associ…
März 30, 2016, 10:57 am, del Rey, F., Allgemein.
Quelle: http://jch.sagepub.com/cgi/reprint/51/2/430?rss=1
März 30, 2016, 10:57 am, Chamedes, G., Allgemein.
Given the recent scholarly interest in the history of anti-communism, it is surprising that relatively little has been written on the ambitious transnational anti-communist campaign launched by the Vatican in the early 1930s. Drawing on new archival m…
März 30, 2016, 10:57 am, Iandolo, A., Allgemein.
Quelle: http://jch.sagepub.com/cgi/reprint/51/2/446?rss=1