Archiv für April 2016

Jessica Wardhaugh, ed., Politics and the Individual in France, 1930-1950


Hubert Wolf, The Nuns of SantAmbrogio: The True Story of a Convent in Scandal


Katherine Lebow, Unfinished Utopia: Nowa Huta, Stalinism, and Polish Society, 1949-56; Kinga Pozniak, Nowa Huta: Generations of Change in a Model Socialist Town


Gyöngy Kovacs Kiss, ed., Studies in the History of Early Modern Transylvania


The Italian Risorgimento and Sicilian Popular Balladry: The Problem of ‚Deep Images and Popular Reception

The recent cultural history of the Italian Risorgimento has claimed that it was a ‘mass movement’ which affected the lives of a far greater number of soon-to-be Italians than traditional revisionist and Marxist narratives have assumed. Thi…

In the Shadow of the Nazi Past: Post-war Reconstruction and the Claims of the Jewish Community in Salonika

Faced with vast human and economic losses, the small number of Jews in Greece who had survived the Second World War found themselves shortly afterwards in great need of social and financial assistance simply to survive in the post-war world. Although …

‚They Shall Not Keep Their Doors or Windows Open: Urban Space and the Dynamics of Conflict and Contact in Premodern Jewish-Christian Relations

Jewish houses, and especially their apertures, were frequent targets of assault in premodern Europe. Were these attacks just a matter of Christians letting off steam, as some historians have argued, or were they signs that ‘Jewish life was a per…

The First World War in a Global Age


Peter Anderson and Miguel Angel del Arco Blanco, eds, Mass Killings and Violence in Spain, 1936-1952: Grappling with the Past


The Triumph of ‚Normality, Social Attitudes, Popular Opinion and the Construction of the Franco Regime in Post-War Rural Spain (1936-1952)

As with other non-democratic regimes, the study of social attitudes has become one of the main themes used to explain the birth, consolidation and durability of the Franco dictatorship. The aim of this article is to demonstrate how the outlook adopted…