Archiv für Mai 2016

Blood on the Square: Perspectives on Revolutionary Violence and Disorder in 1905 Ekaterinburg

Volume 29, Issue 1, June 2016, pages 43-65<br/>10.1080/09546545.2016.1172749<br/>Dakota Irvin

Bolshevik vanguard in action: the case of The Baku Sovnarkom, 1917–18

Volume 29, Issue 1, June 2016, pages 66-91<br/>10.1080/09546545.2016.1179854<br/>Yalçın Murgul

Notes on Contributors

Volume 29, Issue 1, June 2016, pages 127-127<br/>10.1080/09546545.2016.1179855<br/>

Painting Imperialism and Nationalism Red: The Ukrainian Marxist Critique of Russian Communist Rule in Ukraine 1918–1925

Volume 29, Issue 1, June 2016, pages 101-107<br/>10.1080/09546545.2016.1168999<br/>Christopher Gilley

Scripture beyond Common Sense: Sentimental Bible Study and the Evangelical Practice of “the Bible Reading”

This article examines the Bible study method known as the Bible Reading, which became popular among a segment of conservative evangelicals in the late nineteenth century. Scholars have closely identified it with the Common Sense approach to Scripture …

Schooling for all via financing by some: perspectives from early modern and Victorian England

10.1080/00309230.2016.1178783<br/>David Mitch

Are We Doing Enough? Change and Continuity in the German Approach to Crisis Management

10.1080/09644008.2016.1174694<br/>Robin Marc Allers

Contemporaries‘ opinions of the Allied and Central Powers‘ performance during the First World War: measuring turning points in perception with sovereign debt prices

Which events did contemporary investors deem important turning points in the First World War? We address this question by looking for structural breaks in the daily yields of six major belligerents‘ sovereign bonds traded in Amsterdam. Detected breaks…

Industrialization and inequality revisited: mortality differentials and vulnerability to economic stress in Stockholm, 1878-1926

This work combines economic and demographic data to examine inequality of living standards in Stockholm at the turn of the twentieth century. Using a longitudinal population register with occupational information, we utilize event-history models to sh…

Credit for the poor: the decline of pawnbroking 1880-1930

This article is an attempt to explain the decline in pawnbroking over the late nineteenth-century and early twentieth-century Europe, using detailed evidence from Karlskrona in Sweden, 1880–1930. I find that the decline is largely due to changes…