Archiv für August 2016

Slack and Slacker: Job Seekers, Job Vacancies, and Matching Functions in the U.S. Labor Market during the Roaring Twenties and the Great Contraction, 1924–1932

Research Articles Woong Lee, The Journal of Economic History, Volume 76 Issue 03, pp 840-873Abstract

People, Plagues, and Prices in the Roman World: The Evidence from Egypt

Research Articles Kyle Harper, The Journal of Economic History, Volume 76 Issue 03, pp 803-839Abstract

Delivering the Vote: The Political Effect of Free Mail Delivery in Early Twentieth Century America

Research Articles Elisabeth Ruth Perlman, Steven Sprick Schuster, The Journal of Economic History, Volume 76 Issue 03, pp 769-802Abstract

Human Capital and Knowledge-Intensive Industries Location: Evidence from Soviet Legacy in Russia

Research Articles Denis Ivanov, The Journal of Economic History, Volume 76 Issue 03, pp 736-768Abstract

Public Mass Modern Education, Religion, and Human Capital in Twentieth-Century Egypt

Research Articles Mohamed Saleh, The Journal of Economic History, Volume 76 Issue 03, pp 697-735Abstract

Hidden in Plain Sight: Stillbirths and Infanticides in Imperial Japan

Research Articles Fabian F. Drixler, The Journal of Economic History, Volume 76 Issue 03, pp 651-696Abstract

Evolution, retreat or rejection: Brazil’s, India’s and China’s normative stances on R2P

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Representations of race and racism in the textbooks used in southern black schools during the American Civil War and Reconstruction era, 1861–1876

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Andrea Villani: Lire les pères de l’église entre la Renaissance et la Réforme. Six contributions éditées par Andrea Villani avec une préface de Bernard Pouderon

Journal Name: Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum / Journal of Ancient Christianity
Volume: 20
Issue: 2
Pages: 383-386

Isabelle Bochet und Michel Fédou, Hgg.: L’exégèse patristique de l’Épître aux Galates

Journal Name: Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum / Journal of Ancient Christianity
Volume: 20
Issue: 2
Pages: 381-382