Archiv für September 2016

Revolutionaries Between Nations, 1776-1789*


The Enemy Within? The Komsomol and Foreign Youth Inside The Post-Stalin Soviet Union, 1957-1985*


Assimilating Korea: Japanese Protestants, “East Asian Christianity” and the education of Koreans in Japan, 1905–1920

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Letter from the Editor

Volume 29, Issue 2, June 2016, Page 361-363<br/>. <br/>

“The finest ‘bunch’ of children to be found anywhere”: educating European and American youths in Korea, 1880s–1940s

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Tradurre un classico della scienza: traduzioni e ritraduzioni dell’Origin of Species di Charles Darwin in Francia, Italia e Spagna

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Household bibis, pious learning and racial cure: changing feminine identities in colonial India, 1780–1925

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ZNR 38 (2016) Heft 1/2 erschienen

Das Heft 1/2 des 38. Jahrgangs der ZNR ist erschienen. Es enthält drei Beiträge sowie jeweils eine Glosse, einen Länderbericht sowie einen Forschungsbericht von Wilhelm Brauneder, Wien – Budapest Martin P. Schennach, Innsbruck Lukas Staffler, Innsbruck – Bozen Barbara Dölemeyer, Bad Homburg Fernando Martίnez Pérez, Madrid Hans-Christof Kraus, Passau Das genaue Inhaltsverzeichnis von ZNR 38 (2016) Heft 1/2 […]

Marginalisation at China’s Multi-Ethnic Frontier: The Mongols of Henan Mongolian Autonomous County in Qinghai Province

China consists of a mosaic of many territorial ethnic groups whose historic homelands have been incorporated into the modern Chinese state, a process by which the respective populations transformed from a “sovereign or semi-sovereign people” (Bulag 2002: 9) on China’s periphery into “minority nationalities” (少数民族, shaoshu minzu). In 1950 Mao Zedong initiated the “Ethnic Classification Project” whose effect has been the marginalisation of the minority nationalities. In this paper, I explore the marginalisation of the Mongol population of contemporary Henan Mongolian Autonomous County within the Huangnan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in southeastern Qinghai Province. By seeking to understand how Henan Mongols deal with their socio-political and demographic marginal status, the aim of this article is to shed light on how they utilise their marginal position, and how they centralise themselves as an independent party interacting with the civilising missions of China and Tibet.

The Evolution of China’s Pay Inequality from 1987 to 2012

This paper provides new estimates of the evolution of pay inequality in China, overall and also by region and sector, in the period from 1987 to 2012, using the between-group component of Theil’s T-statistic measured across regions and sectors. We find that China’s overall pay inequality started to rise rapidly in the early 1990s and that it peaked in 2008, with the between-province component peaking as early as 2002. Since 2008, overall pay inequality has decreased, with between-province and between-sector inequality both showing steady declines. We argue that China’s pay inequality during the reform period was not simply a matter of economic inequality; it was the joint product of both market and institutional forces. In this vein, we also argue that the recent decline of overall pay inequality after the 2008 global economic crisis was not a temporary phenomenon triggered by the global downturn, but a long-term outcome driven by both economic and policy factors.