Archiv für September 2016

The Margins and the Marginalised: Social Policy, Labour Migration, and Ethnic Identity in Contemporary China

Introduction to Journal of Current Chinese Affairs 2/2016: Marginalisation and State Intervention in China

The Margins and the Marginalised: Social Policy, Labour Migration, and Ethnic Identity in Contemporary China

Introduction to Journal of Current Chinese Affairs 2/2016: Marginalisation and State Intervention in China


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Amnesiopolis. Modernity, Space, and Memory in East Germany

<span class=“paragraphSection“><span style=“font-style:italic;“>Amnesiopolis. Modernity, Space, and Memory in East Germany</span>. By RubinEli. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2016. 208 pp. £50.00 (hardback).</span>

Call for Submissions


Not Solely Sola Scriptura, or, a Rejoinder to Brad S. Gregory’s The Unintended Reformation

In The Unintended Reformation, Brad Gregory answers a number of questions regarding the doctrinal diversity and hermeneutical pluralism that resulted from the fissiparous tendency noticeable among the Protestants, particularly thanks to their emphasis…

Medieval Corporeality and the Eucharistic Body in Julian of Norwich’s A Revelation of Love

This essay questions the current critical attitude toward medieval understandings of the body. It tests the limits of the contemporary „corporeal turn“ by reassessing a textual crux in Julian of Norwich’s A Revelation of Love. Contesting the dominant,…

Brad Gregory’s Unintended Revelations

Brad Gregory’s The Unintended Reformation is an extraordinary book. Brad Gregory’s The Unintended Reformation is a shockingly bad book. This essay explicates the force of these contradictory statements. On the one hand, the potential of Gregory’s unde…

Proximate Common Goods in the Context of Pluralism

Brad Gregory’s The Unintended Reformation bemoans the loss of the shared „institutionalized worldview“ that was Christendom, claiming that the resulting hyperpluralism renders it impossible to adjudicate among competing conceptions of the good. Our co…

Implicit Faith and Reformations of Habit

In post-Reformation England, intense pressures on belief produced sophisticated theorizations of habitual assent and of habit itself. These have been largely overlooked by scholarship on the Reformation because of its fixation on doctrine and confessi…