Archiv für September 2016

New Books across the Disciplines


Geeraardt Brandt, Dutch Tolerance, and the Reformation of the Reformation

Published in four volumes between 1671 and (posthumously) 1704, Geeraardt Brandt’s monumental History of the Reformation and other Ecclesiastical Transactions in and about the Low-Countries challenges abiding assumptions about Reformation, confession,…

Unintended Reformations?

Brad Gregory’s The Unintended Reformation: How A Religious Revolution Secularized Society (2012) is a book whose aspirations dovetail with the aims of the Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies. The journal fosters scholarship that crosses curre…

„Botched Execution“ or Historical Inevitability: Conceptual Dilemmas in Brad S. Gregory’s The Unintended Reformation

This essay takes up a variety of issues arising from within the narrative offered in Brad S. Gregory’s The Unintended Reformation. This book has been widely perceived to be informed by a Catholic metaphysic, even as Gregory continues to disavow that f…

Issue Information – TOC


The cult of order: in search of underlying patterns of the colonial and neo-colonial “grammar of educationalisation” in the Belgian Congo. Exported school rituals and routines?

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Constructions of identity, belonging and exclusion in the democratic welfare state

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Narratively framing emergent identities in post-agreement societies: patterns of the Northern Irish identity within the provincial media

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National identity and attitudes towards immigration in Australia

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‘Warriors’ and ‘Mighty Warriors’: national football team nicknames and the politics and politicisation of national identity in Zimbabwe

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