Archiv für September 2016

Robert B. McCormick, Croatia Under Ante Pavelic: America, the Ustase and Croatian Genocide


Theorizing Fascism: Cases, Comparison and Consensus


Dux ludens: Eleonora de Toledo, Cosimo I de Medici, and Games of Chance in the Ducal Household of Mid-Sixteenth-Century Florence

High-stakes gambling was a widespread pastime in the courts of early modern Europe and the Medici court in Florence enjoyed a particular notoriety for it in the middle decades of the sixteenth century. Using insights from the sociological writings of …

The Socio-Economic Profile of a Religious Movement: The Case of Hasidism

This article revisits the once popular issue of the socio-occupational profile of Hasidism, arguably the most important socio-religious movement of modern Jewry. Well-known anecdotal materials are confronted with much broader archival sources, mainly …

Montserrat Miller, Feeding Barcelona 1714-1975: Public Market Halls, Social Networks, and Consumer Culture


Celibacy, Courage, and Hungry Wives: Debating Military Marriage and Citizenship in Pre-Revolutionary France

Enlightenment reformers in France had very different visions about whether military men should marry. In one view, acting as a good soldier and citizen drew on new models of masculine virility, and required separating oneself entirely from the restrai…

Peter Stirk, A History of Military Occupation from 1792 to 1914


State, Representative Institutions and Economic Reforms in Times of Decline: Royal Taxation and Trade Policy in Aragon (1626-1700)

This article explores fiscal and trade policy in Aragon between 1626 and 1700, providing a case study of economic management by regional institutions in a composite monarchy of the early modern period. The increasing burden and irregular distribution …

Robert J. Knecht, Francis I and Sixteenth-Century France


Burka als Exempel: Die Lufthoheit der AfD

Als sich vor exakt einem Jahr, am 5.Weiterlesen