Archiv für Oktober 2016

War, transparency and control: the military architecture of operational warfare

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Employer and Worker Collective Action: A Comparative Study of Germany, South Africa, and the United States

Volume 25, Issue 4, December 2016, Page 604-604<br/>. <br/>

What’s Right about the Left–Right Dimension? The Causes and the Consequences of Ideological Inconsistency on Economic Issues in Germany

Volume 25, Issue 4, December 2016, Page 581-603<br/>. <br/>

Officers and Accountability in Medieval England, 1170–1300, by John Sabapathy

<span class=“paragraphSection“><span style=“font-style:italic;“>Officers and Accountability in Medieval England, 1170–1300</span>, by SabapathyJohn (Oxford: Oxford U.P., 2014; pp. 312. £60).</span>

Legacies of British Slave-Ownership: Colonial Slavery and the Formation of Victorian Britain, by Catherine Hall, Nicholas Draper, Keith McClelland, Katie Donington and Rachel Lang

<span class=“paragraphSection“><span style=“font-style:italic;“>Legacies of British Slave-Ownership: Colonial Slavery and the Formation of Victorian Britain</span>, by HallCatherine, DraperNicholas, McClellandKeith, DoningtonKatie and LangRachel (Cambridge: Cambridge U.P., 2014; pp. 327. £65).</span>

From England to France: Felony and Exile in the High Middle Ages, by William Chester Jordan

<span class=“paragraphSection“><span style=“font-style:italic;“>From England to France: Felony and Exile in the High Middle Ages</span>, by JordanWilliam Chester (Princeton, NJ: Princeton U.P., 2015; pp. 223. £27.95).</span>

Calvinism, Reform and the Absolutist State in Elizabethan Ireland, by Mark A. Hutchinson

<span class=“paragraphSection“><span style=“font-style:italic;“>Calvinism, Reform and the Absolutist State in Elizabethan Ireland</span>, by HutchinsonMark A. (London: Pickering & Chatto, 2015; pp. xiv + 219. £96.65).</span>

Pisa nel Medioevo: Potenza sul mare e motore di cultura, by Michael Mitterauer and John Morrissey

<span class=“paragraphSection“><span style=“font-style:italic;“>Pisa nel Medioevo: Potenza sul mare e motore di cultura</span>, by MitterauerMichael and MorrisseyJohn (Rome: Viella, 2015; pp. 297. €25).</span>

Georges I er d’Amboise, 1460–1510: Une figure plurielle de la Renaissance, ed. Jonathan Dumont and Laure Fagnart

<span class=“paragraphSection“><span style=“font-style:italic;“>Georges Ier d’Amboise, 1460–1510: Une figure plurielle de la Renaissance</span>, ed. DumontJonathan and FagnartLaure (Rennes: P.U. de Rennes, 2013; pp. 272. €20).</span>

The Lion, The Lily, and the Leopard: The Crown and Nobility of Scotland, France, and England and the Struggle for Power (1100–1204), by Melissa Pollock

<span class=“paragraphSection“><span style=“font-style:italic;“>The Lion, The Lily, and the Leopard: The Crown and Nobility of Scotland, France, and England and the Struggle for Power (1100–1204)</span>, by PollockMelissa (Turnhout: Brepols, 2015; pp. 526. €120).</span>