Archiv für November 2016

Forging a Multinational State: State Making in Imperial Austria from the Enlightenment to the First World War


The Catholic Enlightenment: Some Reflections on Recent Research

The Catholic Enlightenment, long ignored by scholarship, has been brought sharply into focus by numerous recent publications. After surveying some leading features of the Catholic Enlightenment, this essay considers a useful Companion to the Catholic …

Von Bastarden und natürlichen Kindern: Der illegitime Nachwuchs der mecklenburgischen Herzöge 1600-1830


‚Das Spiel ist aus!: Football and History in Rainer Werner Fassbinders BRD Trilogy

This article examines the intersections between football and history in the films of Rainer Werner Fassbinder. It focuses on the three works—The Marriage of Maria Braun (1979), Veronika Voss (1982) and Lola (1981)—that compose the BRD Tril…

Czechs and Germans 1848-2004: The Sudeten Question and the Transformation of Central Europe


‚The Truth about the Concentration Camps: Werner Schäfers Anti-Brown Book and the Transnational Debate on Early Nazi Terror

This article examines the international debate on the violence of the first year of the National Socialist regime by focusing on the Anti-Brown Book written by storm troop leader Werner Schäfer in 1934. Schäfer’s text is unique as the only book-long propaganda justification of a concentration camp to be written during the lifetime of the Third Reich by a serving commandant. Analysing this text in depth for the first time, the article presents the book as an example of low-level initiative in the shaping of the official narrative of early Nazi terror and as a riposte to critical publicity on the concentration camps in particular. It argues that the first year of the regime saw a dialogue between the regime and its enemies in which the meaning of Nazi violence was contested and the public face of the camps was shaped by multiple agencies of the nascent Third Reich.

1648 – Das Jahr der Schlagzeilen. Europa zwischen Krise und Aufbruch


Social Cosmetics: Weimar Beauty Politics between Welfare and Empowerment

This essay focuses on the emergence and proliferation of social cosmetics in the Weimar Republic, analysing the relationship between visions of social reform and changing ideas of beauty. I first look at the concept itself. What were the underlying id…

Adeliges Familienleben, weibliche Schreibpraxis: Die Tagebücher der Maria Esterhazy-Galantha


The Kaiser in the Federal State, 1871-1918

The historiographical debate on Wilhelm II’s alleged personal rule and on his role in the 1914 decision to go to war generally neglects how the institution of the kaiser (the imperial office) evolved in the context of the federal state. In addre…