Archiv für Januar 2017

Microhistory Today: A Roundtable Discussion

In November 2015, a group of practicing microhistorians was brought to the Duke University campus to engage in a public roundtable discussion on their craft of historical writing. The participants—Peter Arnade, Thomas V. Cohen, Paul Edward Dutto…

Microhistory and the Historical Imagination: New Frontiers

Microhistory, far from a brief and controversial experiment in history writing of the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s, has become one of the most creative ways to tackle the difficult problems of writing history in our time. This JMEMS special issue brings to…

Microhistory and Microcosm: Chinese Migrants, Spanish Empire, and Globalization in Early Modern Manila

This article looks at the lives of don Pedro Quintero Tiangnio and don Juan Felipe Tiamnio, two migrants from southeastern China who became powerful and influential figures in Manila—both within Spanish colonial society and in the Chinese overse…

When Valence Crushes: Explaining the Electoral Failure of the German FDP in the 2013 Election

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Slavery in Medieval and Early Modern Iberia

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