Archiv für Mai 2017

Connolly and the never-ending critiques of liberal peace: from the privelge of difference to vorarephilia

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International organizations, their staff and their legitimacy: Max Weber for IR

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EU member state participation in military operations: a configurational comparative analysis

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External networks and institutional idiosyncrasies: the Common Security and Defence Policy and UNSCR 1325 on women, peace and security

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Constructing the ‘Immigrant’: Germany’s Radical Left in the Refugee Crisis

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Studying small states in international security affairs: a quantitative analysis

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M. V. Rodzianko and Prince G. E. L’vov (Spring and Summer 1917)

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Heroines and Hysterics: Mariia Spiridonova and Her Female Revolutionary Cohort in 1917–18

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Viktor Chernov in 1917: A Reappraisal

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Ida Blom in Memoriam

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