Archiv für Juni 2017

UNESCO without borders: educational campaigns for international understanding

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Women and work in eighteenth-century France

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Manet paints Monet: a summer in Argenteuil

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The politics of genocide recognition: Kurdish nation-building and commemoration in the post-Saddam era

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Congresses versus caudillos: the untold history of democracy in Latin America, with special emphasis on New Granada (Colombia), 1830–60. A new research agenda

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Ethnicization or de-ethnicization? Hungarian political representation in the Romanian parliament

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“Name the Republic that was joined to Russia in 2014:” Russia’s New Civics and History Test for Migrants

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Illegally denied: manipulations related to the registration of the Veps identity in the late Soviet Union

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Erecting fascism: nation, identity, and space in Trieste in the first half of the twentieth century

Volume 46, Issue 6, November 2018, Page 958-975.

Erecting fascism: nation, identity, and space in Trieste in the first half of the twentieth century

Volume 46, Issue 6, November 2018, Page 958-975.