Archiv für September 2017

MELZER, Ralf, Between Conflict and Conformity. Freemasonry during the Weimar Republic and the ‘Third Reich’, trans. Glenys A. Waldman (Washington, DC: Westphalia Press), xxvi + 523 pp., $ 24.95, Pbk, ISBN 978-1-63391-760-6.


THOMSON, Ian, The Magic Flute Libretto: More Literary, Religious and Historical Sources and their Interpretation (Lewiston: The Edwin Mellen Press, 2014), xvi + 439 pp., including illustrative plates (some colour), £140, Hbk, ISBN: 9780773400597.


WÄGES, Josef and MARKNER, Reinhard (eds), trans. Jeva SINGH-ANAND, The Secret School of Wisdom—The Authentic Rituals and Doctrines of the Illuminati (Surrey: Lewis Masonic, 2015), 447pp., £25.00, ISBN 978 0 85318 493 5.


Mitterrand’s Europe: functions and limits of ‘European solidarity’ in French policy during the 1980s

Volume 24, Issue 6, December 2017, Page 973-990<br/>. <br/>

The convictions of a realist: concepts of ‘solidarity’ in Helmut Schmidt’s European thought, 1945–82

Volume 24, Issue 6, December 2017, Page 955-972<br/>. <br/>

Open borders as an act of solidarity among peoples, between states or with migrants: changing applications of solidarity within the Schengen process

Volume 24, Issue 6, December 2017, Page 991-1006<br/>. <br/>

International law and ‘humanity’ in the making and unmaking of European solidarity, 1830–1915

Volume 24, Issue 6, December 2017, Page 889-904<br/>. <br/>

Introduction: writing the contemporary history of European solidarity

Volume 24, Issue 6, December 2017, Page 837-853<br/>. <br/>

European solidarity: a semantic history

Volume 24, Issue 6, December 2017, Page 854-873<br/>. <br/>

Show solidarity, live solitarily: the Nazi ‘New Europe’ as a ‘family of peoples’

Volume 24, Issue 6, December 2017, Page 905-917<br/>. <br/>