Archiv für November 2017

Apertures of documentation: reading images in educational history

Volume 53, Issue 6, December 2017, Page 751-762.

The visual in histories of education: a reappraisal

Volume 53, Issue 6, December 2017, Page 641-649.

Charting the past to understand the cultural inheritance of concert hall listening and audience development practices


Financial investment and educational regularisation: a statistical survey of primary education in Extremadura (Spain) in the second half of the nineteenth century


Self-attribution and identity of ethnic-German SpätAussiedler repatriates from the former USSR: an example of fast-track assimilation?


European medical experts in wars of ‘others’: the Greco-Turkish War of 1897


The modern fairy tale: nation branding, national identity and the Eurovision Song Contest in Estonia / “Walking in singing: Brand Estonia, the Eurovision Song Contest and Estonia’s self-proclaimed return to Europe, 2001-2002,” in Histories of public diplomacy and nation branding in the Nordic and Baltic countries: representing the periphery


Dr. Annette Haller zum Gedenken

Journal Name: AschkenasVolume: 27Issue: 2Pages: 271-272

Die Schlussformel »bis der Esel auf die Leiter klettert« im Kolophon der mittelalterlichen hebräischen Handschriften in Aschkenas

Journal Name: AschkenasVolume: 27Issue: 2Pages: 371-397

Die Juden in den Rechtssammlungen Burchards von Worms und Ivos von Chartres

Journal Name: AschkenasVolume: 27Issue: 2Pages: 273-347