Archiv für Juni 2018

The non-governmental provision of search and rescue in the Mediterranean and the abdication of state responsibility

Volume 31, Issue 1, February 2018, Page 53-75.

Towards a Measurement of Extreme Left-Wing Attitudes


From Space To Territory: Negotiating The Russo-Ukrainian Border, 1919–1928



Volume 26, Issue 2, June 2018, Page 81-83.

Prostitution Research in Context: Methodology, Representation and Power

Volume 26, Issue 2, June 2018, Page 154-157.

Constructing Terminology and Defining Concepts for Gender Studies in Norway and Sweden

Volume 26, Issue 2, June 2018, Page 142-153.

Karl Schmückle and Western Marxism


Internationalization and democratization interconnected: the Swedish and Finnish parliaments debating membership in the League of Nations in 1920


Norms from the periphery: tracing the rise of the common but differentiated principle in international environmental politics


Russian Liberals and the Conceptual Foundations of Russian Foreign Policy in the Early Twentieth Century
