Archiv für August 2018

Relations of Domination and Subordination in Early Modern Europe and the Middle East

Gender &History, EarlyView.

James Daybell and Andrew Gordon (eds), Women & Epistolary Agency in Early Modern Culture, 1450–1690 (London: Routledge, 2016), pp. 258. ISBN: 978‐1‐472‐47826‐9 (hb).

Gender &History, EarlyView.

European nations, explaining their formation


The lasting war: society and identity in Britain, France and Germany after 1945


­Zielgruppe »Volk« – Das »Compact-Magazin«


Anders als viele kleinere extrem rechte Postillen, die nur über ein Abonnement zu beziehen sind, findet sich »Compact« in vielen Zeitungsläden und Supermärkten.

Der Beitrag ­Zielgruppe »Volk« – Das »Compact-Magazin« erschien zuerst auf der rechte rand.

Commercial nationalism and tourism: selling the national story


Armenian crafts in the Ottoman Empire: Armenian identity and cultural exchange

Volume 21, Issue 5, December 2019, Page 485-505.

Patriarchy as a Category of Historical Analysis and the Dynamics of Power: The Example of Early Modern Italy

Gender &History, EarlyView.

Forum Introduction: Reconsidering Patriarchy in Early Modern Europe and the Middle East

Gender &History, EarlyView.

The Case for Agentic Gender Norms for Women in Early Modern Europe

Gender &History, EarlyView.