Archiv für August 2018

Power, Knowledge and Feminist Scholarship: An Ethnography of Academia


Structuralism versus Individualism in Swedish Gender Equality Policy and Law


Völkischer Sozialpopulismus


»Sozial ohne rot zu werden«, mit diesem Motto macht der »Alternative Arbeitnehmerverband Mitteldeutschland« von sich reden.

Der Beitrag Völkischer Sozialpopulismus erschien zuerst auf der rechte rand.

The Two Kingdoms: The Norwegian Seamen’s Church in London 1865–1905

Journal of Religious History, Volume 42, Issue 3, Page 410-431, September 2018.

Trade union pedagogy and cross‐border action

Global Networks, EarlyView.

Trade union pedagogy and cross‐border action

Global Networks, EarlyView.

German seafarers, anti‐fascism and the anti‐Stalinist left: the ‘Antwerp Group’ and Edo Fimmen’s International Transport Workers‘ Federation, 1933–40

Global Networks, EarlyView.

The Baku 2015 European Games as a national milestone of post-Soviet Azerbaijan

Volume 46, Issue 6, November 2018, Page 1101-1117.

The Baku 2015 European Games as a national milestone of post-Soviet Azerbaijan

Volume 46, Issue 6, November 2018, Page 1101-1117.

Mistress vs Maid: Race, Class, Nation and Boundaries between Women in Argentine Fiction since the Mid‐Nineteenth Century

Gender &History, EarlyView.