Archiv für Februar 2019

Agostino Gemelli (1878–1959) and mental disability: science, faith and education in the view of an Italian scientist and friar


Confronting “dark” colonial pasts: a historical analysis of practices of representation in Belgian and Congolese schools, 1945–2015


Confronting “dark” colonial pasts: a historical analysis of practices of representation in Belgian and Congolese schools, 1945–2015


Rezension zu: Winifred Curran: Gender and Gentrification. London, New York: Routledge 2017.

Winifred Curran untersucht mit einer feministischen und intersektionalen Perspektive das Phänomen Gentrifizierung und zeigt, dass Gründe und Folgen von Gentrifizierungsprozessen hochgradig vergeschlechtlicht sind und dass Gentrifizierung bestehende Ung…

Organizing teachers in Pennsylvania, 1935–1941


Latin American nationalism: identity in a globalizing World


How fascism works: the politics of us and them


How fascism works: the politics of us and them


Educating the Germans: people and policy in the British zone of Germany, 1945–1949


Educating the Germans: people and policy in the British zone of Germany, 1945–1949
