Archiv für April 2019

‘UNDER THE BREATH OF ASIA’: Echoes of the 1917 revolution in French-speaking Belgium


Love of nation and Heimat-oriented education in Imperial Japan of the 1930s: the rhetoric of Japanese identity in peripheral regions


The Development of Early Childhood Education in Europe and North America: historical and comparative perspectives


Love of nation and Heimat-oriented education in Imperial Japan of the 1930s: the rhetoric of Japanese identity in peripheral regions


The Development of Early Childhood Education in Europe and North America: historical and comparative perspectives


(Re)Constructing an Orthodox ‘Scenario of Power’: The restoration of the Russian orthodox patriarchate in revolutionary Russia (1917–1918)


The end of isolationism: examining the OECD influence in Portuguese education policies, 1955–1974


Finnegans Wake, however basically translated


The end of isolationism: examining the OECD influence in Portuguese education policies, 1955–1974



Journal Name: New Global StudiesVolume: 13Issue: 1Pages: i-iv