Archiv für Mai 2019

Women, antifascism and Mussolini’s Italy. The life of Marion Cave Rosselli

Volume 26, Issue 6, December 2019, Page 1052-1053.

International Communism and the Cult of the Individual: Leaders, Tribunes and Martyrs Under Lenin and Stalin


Amalasuintha: the transformation of queenship in the post-Roman world


Educating the Germans: people and policy in the British zone of Germany, 1945–1949


The Challenge of Creating an Adaptive Bundeswehr


The manly priest: clerical celibacy, masculinity, and reform in England and Normandy, 1066–1300


Makarios: the revolutionary priest of Cyprus


The Challenge of Creating an Adaptive Bundeswehr


Populism, ontological insecurity and Hindutva: Modi and the masculinization of Indian politics


Overtaken by the Night: One Russian’s Journey Through Peace, War, Revolution, and Terror
