Archiv für Juni 2019

Survey of a Diaporic Irish community using a social network

Volume 22, Issue 1, February 2020, Page 63-89.

Parliamentary committees in Spain during the First World War: a useful tool for the cortes in times of crisis?

Volume 39, Issue 3, December 2019, Page 385-399.

Democracy needs education: public performance, peace, and pedagogy, Julia Grace Wales


Democracy needs education: public performance, peace, and pedagogy, Julia Grace Wales


Retreat into the “pedagogical province”? Boarding schools and the changing perception of “nature” in German secondary education around 1900


Retreat into the “pedagogical province”? Boarding schools and the changing perception of “nature” in German secondary education around 1900


Securing organisational survival: a historical inquiry into the OECD’s work in education during the 1960s


The South versus the North, the Piarists versus the Jesuits: the educational dispute based on nature in the mid-eighteenth century in the Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth


“Wie einen feinen jungen Baum …”: nature, the fallen man, and social order in Martin Luther’s works on education (1524–1530)


Securing organisational survival: a historical inquiry into the OECD’s work in education during the 1960s
