Archiv für August 2019

The Enduring Culture of Restraint in Modern Germany: German Mentalités on the Use of Force as Portrayed in Contemporary Television Narratives



Journal Name: New Global StudiesVolume: 13Issue: 2Pages: i-iv

Unsafety and Unions in Singapore’s state-led industrialization, 1965–1994


Unsafety and Unions in Singapore’s state-led industrialization, 1965–1994


Fraktur or Antiqua in primary schools? The struggle for a unified typeface in German-speaking Switzerland between the mid-nineteenth and early twentieth centuries

Volume 55, Issue 6, December 2019, Page 792-811.

Fraktur or Antiqua in primary schools? The struggle for a unified typeface in German-speaking Switzerland between the mid-nineteenth and early twentieth centuries

Volume 55, Issue 6, December 2019, Page 792-811.

Milieubeschreibung Kampfsport

Milieubeschreibung Kampfsport: Neonazis Geschichte, Ideologie, Training, Wettkämpfe, Straßenkampf, Gewalt

Der Beitrag Milieubeschreibung Kampfsport erschien zuerst auf der rechte rand.

The Environmental History of Mass Graves


The Environmental History of Mass Graves


The digitalization of public diplomacy
