Archiv für November 2019

Africa, Go Green! A New Initiative for the Continent’s Youth to Become Leaders in the Global Environment Needs to Combine Activism with Knowledge, Research and Policy

Journal Name: New Global StudiesIssue: Ahead of print

Sven Beckert and Dominic Sachsenmaier eds. Global History, Globally: Research and Practice around the World; John Harrison and Michael Hoyler eds. Doing Global Urban Research; Eve Darian-Smith and Philip McCarty. The Global Turn: Theories, Research Designs, and Methods for Global Studies

Journal Name: New Global StudiesIssue: Ahead of print

Les projets d’éducation naturiste en France: leur influence et leur prise en compte institutionnelle (19esiècle–1939)


Les projets d’éducation naturiste en France: leur influence et leur prise en compte institutionnelle (19esiècle–1939)


Beyond order and magic: Complexity-based emergentism, social translation and the Wikitrad project


Coming to terms with social translation: A terminological approach


Did Nicanor actually write a treatise περι ναυσταμυ (On the ships at anchor)?


A Note on Laelia in Martial 10.68: Code-switching, linguistic and moral purity, and Cicero’s influence on Martial 10.68


Die Priesterkarriere des L. Domitius Ahenobarbus


Absolute Erkenntnis – Zum Ursprung eines Konzepts in Porphyrios‘ Parmenides- Kommentar
