Archiv für März 2021

Nordic Women and the Transnational Networks during the Cold War (1945–1990): Collaboration, Conflicts, Achievements and Memory

Volume 29, Issue 1, March 2021, Page 79-79.

Global sweatshops: the history and future of North-South solidarity campaigns in Bangladesh and beyond


Italy and Germany: Incompatible Varieties of Europe or Dissimilar Twins?


Subbotniks: from the great to the meaningless (the evolution of the Soviet labor phenomenon)


The Genocide-Ecocide Nexus in Sudan: Violent “Development” and the Racial-Spatial Dynamics of (Neo)Colonial-Capitalist Extraction


Nation-building and mass schooling of ethnic minorities on the Romanian and Soviet peripheries (1918–1940): a comparative study of Bessarabia and Transnistria


Rejection, accommodation, disillusion: the responses of Magyar intellectuals to the unification of Transylvania with Romania


The political choices and outlooks of the Estonian Swedish national minority, 1917–1920


‘Faith and work for King and Country!’ Nationalization and covert Romanianization through the youth organization Straja Țării (1934–1940)


Formulating Germanness in the Banat: ‘Minority making’ among the Swabians from Dualist Hungary to interwar Romania
