Archiv für April 2021

Papel de la “calle de aprendizaje” en la arquitectura escolar española del siglo XX


Translation and creativity


Translating the literatures of small European nations


Philosophy’s treason: studies in philosophy and translation


Antisemitism, Anti-Racism, and the Holocaust in Germany: A Discussion Between Susan Neiman and Anna-Esther Younes


Collective agreements against labor market risks in Sweden: the case of the PTK-SAF employment security agreement


Strategien gegen Rechtspopulismus? Der Umgang mit der AfD in Landesparlamenten


Konkurrenz für das Alphamännchen? Politische Repräsentation und Geschlecht


Inter-regionalism in the Global South: comparison with extra-, cross-, trans-, and pan-regionalism


The transformation of labor force dualism in South Korea’s Shipyards, 1974 to the present
