Archiv für Mai 2021

‘Austrofaschismus’ und moderne Faschismusforschung


Freedom of speech, 1500–1850


Electioneering and propaganda in Ireland, 1917–21: voting, violence and victory


How happy are legal translators at their work? Further findings from a cognitive–affective enquiry


The Development of Employment Protection Legislation in the United Kingdom (1963-2013)


The uses of rurality in twentieth-century youth justice: an Australian case study, 1900-1994


“Wake up for education”: colonialism, social transformation, and the beginnings of the anti-caste movement in India


Concepts of Society in Official Statistics. Perspectives From Mobilities Research and Migration Studies on the Re-Figuration of Space and Cross-Cultural Comparison

Historically, the emergence of modern nation-states has been accompanied by the development of a specific understanding of the individual, population and society, spatial boundaries and affiliations. With the help of official statistics, which develope…

„It’s Like Looking for a Needle in a Haystack.“ Methodological Reflections on Recruiting Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Families Into Qualitative Studies

Recruiting hard-to-reach groups in qualitative studies is challenging and yet rarely becomes the subject of methodological reflections. In this article, we describe the recruitment strategies of a research project and reflect on them in terms of reachi…

Interaction Dynamics in a Participatory Interpretation Group: Critical Reflections on the Status of Lifeworld Knowledge in a Group Interpretation of Scientists and Adolescents

The starting point for this article was the observation that the inclusion of young researchers in groups, interpreting qualitative data led to a quick finalization of the interpretations. In this article we describe these processes. The focus is on th…