Archiv für Mai 2021


Volume 29, Issue 2, June 2021, Page 81-82.

Translation as pedagogy in colonial south India


The Cabinet: George Washington and the creation of an American institution


Die Parlamentarismusdebatte in der Weimarer Republik


La question des nationalités et des minorités – Discours parlementaires dans l’Entre-deux-guerres




Juni 2021

Juni 2021

19. Mai 2021 – 16:36

Against the rules: collective and individual resistance on the Ferrocarriles Unidos de Yucatán, 1910-1935


Ten Months that No Longer Shake the World? The Centenary of the Russian Revolution and Beyond


Afterword: Ani Choki, Indian Exploration, and the Work of Invisibility

Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Volume 44, Issue 2, Page 245-255, June 2021.