Archiv für Mai 2021

Parliamentary history in Norwegian school textbooks (1800–2000)


Genocide and the Brain: Neuroscience, Mental Harm, and International Law


Polish Junak Schools in the USSR in 1941–1942


Forgotten Botany: The Politics of Knowledge within the Royal Botanical Garden of New Spain**

Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Volume 44, Issue 2, Page 228-244, June 2021.

Educating the scientific housewife: the conceptualisation of housework in English girls’ day schools, 1870–1914


The Use of History in Putin’s Russia


“Much more chewing”: a case study of resistance to school reform in rural New York during the early twentieth century


Arabic utterances in a multilingual world: Shāh Walī-Allāh and Qur’anic translatability in North India


Appropriating the New: Progressive Education and its (re)constructions by Spanish schoolteachers


Imperialism, internationalism, and education in Africa: connected histories
