Archiv für Juni 2021

The sisters of our lady of the missions: from ultramontane origins to a new cosmology


The situation of “vernacular languages” in the Francoist primary education. Pressures, claims and debates on the inclusion of these languages in the General Education Act of the Spanish State (1970)


Nationale Wochenzeitung


Seit 35 Jahren gibt es die neu-rechte Zeitung „Junge Freiheit“. Ihre Geschichte ist auch die Geschichte der Normalisierung rechter Diskurse in der Bundesrepublik.

Der Beitrag Nationale Wochenzeitung erschien zuerst auf der rechte rand.

Letter from the editors – Issue 34(4) June 2021


Translation in India: Multilingual practices and cultural histories of texts

Volume 14, Issue 2, May 2021, Page 125-132.

The decline and rise of democracy: a global history from antiquity to today


Establishing the limits of the liberal international order: Latin America and the demand for development


Carlo Emilio Gadda and the Siglo de Oro: Translation as “open work”


The ‘core’ leaders of the Communist Party of Great Britain, 1923–1928: their past, present and future


Wireless internationalism and distant listening: Britain, propaganda, and the invention of global radio, 1920-1939
