Archiv für Oktober 2021

An Infinite History: the story of a family in France over three centuries

Volume 46, Issue 4, November 2021, Page 464-466.

Working in Greece and Turkey: a comparative labour history from empires to nation-states, 1840–1940

Volume 46, Issue 4, November 2021, Page 469-471.

Power and Pleasure: court life under King John, 1199–1216

Volume 46, Issue 4, November 2021, Page 459-460.

The Shadow of the Mine: coal and the end of industrial Britain

Volume 46, Issue 4, November 2021, Page 467-469.

Collective Action and Political Transformation: the entangled experiences in Brazil, South Africa and Europe

Volume 46, Issue 4, November 2021, Page 471-473.

Many Mouths: the politics of food in Britain from the workhouse to the welfare state

Volume 46, Issue 4, November 2021, Page 474-475.

Who decides? Urban councils and consensus in the late Middle Ages

Volume 46, Issue 4, November 2021, Page 406-434.

Caritas: neighbourly love and the early modern self

Volume 46, Issue 4, November 2021, Page 460-462.

Sacred Journeys in the Counter-Reformation: long-distance pilgrimage in Northwest Europe

Volume 46, Issue 4, November 2021, Page 462-464.

Silence, distance and neutrality: the politics of emotional distress during the Northern Irish troubles

Volume 46, Issue 4, November 2021, Page 435-458.